천안룸싸롱 O1O.9785.4389 천안비지니스룸싸롱 천안노래클럽 천안풀싸롱
천안룸싸롱 O1O.9785.4389 천안비지니스룸싸롱 천안노래클럽 천안풀싸롱
6 weeks later.When the heat comes.Zhou Deyu’s wi
fe, Li Yeon, entered the palace.She enters her palace
to meet her lover.is not that surprising.Having frequ
ent meetings with the wives of high-ranking official
sNo, but she was special.From the time Gajin took
ffice.Lee Yeon was managing the workshop.That do
esn’t mean she’s running it herself, she’s in the wor
kshop.It is more accurate to say that he is leading
he workforce.It was an expression.Due to the natur
e of the workshop, a few slaves who carry luggag
e are excluded.It’s a place where everyone is wom
en.The management of the domestic investigation
sympathizes with their difficulties and provides assi
stance.Because I thought I wouldn’t be able to ma
nage it effectively.It was.“Welcome.”Gajin was very h
천안룸싸롱 O1O.9785.4389 천안비지니스룸싸롱 천안노래클럽 천안풀싸롱
ppy when he saw Lee Yeon.Since the age difference
is not that much, GajinYeon was like a friend.It was
ne of the few relationships made in Goryeo.He orde
red the court lady who was guarding her side to bri
ng her some refreshments.In the back, Gajin immed
iately asks what is going on from the workshop.
I took it.“Is there any problem with the workshop?”
“Thanks to Mama’s great care, there were no probl
ems.“I don’t have any.”“Thank goodness. They say i
t will soon be possible to go outside.Please work a l
ittle harder.”It’s already been about 6 months since I
gave birth.She originally planned to return to the w
orkshop after three months.But it wasn’t easy for her
.Since giving birth she has had pain in her lower abd
omen along with dizziness.She was very tired and ha
d difficulty moving around.Gajin smiles as Lee Yeon l
천안룸싸롱 O1O.9785.4389 천안비지니스룸싸롱 천안노래클럽 천안풀싸롱
ooks at her with worried eyes.She said she was okay
and she said she was okay.“When the weather is nice
, I often go for a walk to Huwon.No need to worry. Y
our Majesty has already given permission.“It was giv
en to me.”“When Mama returns, everyone in the wo
rkshop willThere will be great joy.”“By the way, there
are people who stopped working for a while this m
onth as well.I heard there are quite a few. Expecting
to give birth within Dalpo“How many of them are t
here?”“Seven people are coming.”There are two hu
ndred people belonging to the workshop.However,
more than a dozen of them have resigned.So it wa
s more than just a craze, it was a craze.Most people
were of childbearing age, which had a big impact.
천안룸싸롱 O1O.9785.4389 천안비지니스룸싸롱 천안노래클럽 천안풀싸롱
I didn’t intentionally select them that way, but I jus
t happened to see it.You did that.”if···”I tried to as
Lee Yeon if there was any good news, butGajin didn’t
think that was the case, so he trailed off mid-senten
ce.The birth of her atom took some of the pressure
off her, but she alsoShe will continue to know the
burden of her heir until she is born.She receivd i
without knowing.This year will not be much diffe
rent.Gajin hastily changed the subject.“Has all the
cotton harvested last year been used up?”